Quoting Mike Fedyk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I've looked into this, and neither procmail nor formail have any facilities
> to process mail based on date, unless it's the current date.
> You could have mail put in a folder 04-2001 for instance, but that is based
> on the current date and not the date in  the message.  You could probably do
> some matching on the "date:" header but I don't want to do that.

Your two paragraphs appear to contradict each other.

If you process email using the Date: header, then you're basing
your processing on the date it was allegedly sent.

If you process email using the output of the date command, then
you're basing your processing on the current date.

Obviously the examples in man procmailex concentrate on the latter
because people use procmail to process their live incoming mail (and
some of it will have bizarre Date: headers anyway).

OTOH man formail's example uses the Date: header, partly as an excuse
to warn of the dangers of using the -a switch which writes From_
lines in what is probably going to be a format that mailers can't grok.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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