On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, will trillich wrote:

> > I'll just dump sufficiently fuxnored posts -- too much work to get my
> > mind around them.  All are advised.
> fuxnored is another term for another time. (it'll have to be -- i
> just now encountered it for the first time myself, and am
> enjoying it far too much to be believed.)

This is the first time I've seen it written, though I think
that I've heard it once or twice at a LUG meeting.

Did a quick Google search, and a check of the Jargon File, no dice.
Karsten should submit it to ESR for inclusion in the Jargon File...
(Credit where credit is due, and all that...)

Take care,

Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.ZonkerBooks.net/ -=- ICQ: 43599611
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

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