On Sun, Apr 29, 2001, Michael Earls wrote:
> that was great info, but i do not need to masq any ips,  i just need to
> limit the ports being open,  i have edited inetd.conf, but there were some
> ports not listed in there.  here is a port scan on my box,


Hi. I just joined thread so I can't comment on much, but make sure
you're not running portsentry (or understand better its implications),
since it will bind to many of your ports to track attempted connects
(in other words, you might actually be seeing portsentry and not the
listed services on those ports).  Hope I haven't missed something
else joining this thread now, and, if so, please accept my apologies.

Hope this helps and take care,


Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University

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