My apologies for making this a list-wide post, but I'd prefer to be
corrected if I'm wrong.

On Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 07:25:20PM +0700, Brian Durant wrote:
> OK, due to a download problem with a couple of the large CD iso files, I 
> am trying the bootbf2.4.iso Andrew Bloch net install. When I get to the 
> hard disk partitioning, I am not really sure what to do. My hard disk 
> looks like the following at this time:
> /dev/hda7    reiserfs    9.29 GB    (mount point) /
> /dev/hda5    ext2        15.1 MB    /boot
> shmfs           shm         57.9 MB    /dev/shm

Assuming that this describes your entire hard drive, I would start off
fresh by making up the following partitioning scheme:

/boot   hda1    50 MB
/       hda2    The Rest

The reason for not subdividing this into a bevy of partitions is

1. This is your first Linux install, so you have no idea where you will
   need the space.  It's also not a "mission critical" system, in the sense
   that you will lose your job/life if it goes tango-uniform for some
   unknown reason, so a single partition isn't that dangerous.

2. As an extension to the above, you don't really know what they system
   is going to be used for, other than "stuff"; a system used for database
   development is going to be built differently than one used as an MP3
   archive.  So, given that, it's easier to just have one partition to
   "worry" about.

After you become more comfortable with the system, you can start
worrying about partitioning, and it's pretty trivial to back the system
up with afio, repartition, rebuild filesystems, and stream the backup
down on to the "new" filesystem schema (a hell of a lot easier than it
is with Windows).

Viel spass!

Don Werve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Unix System Administrator)

Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue,
Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!

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