On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:22:56AM -0500, Young, C Bryan wrote:
> When I tried to make sdb all one partition, I couldn't write the partion
> table to disk (got the message:  "Not precisely one primary partition is
> bootable.  DOS MBR cannot boot this.").  I didn't think that each disk
> needed to be bootable.  What do I do -- is it okay to make a small, bootable
> primary partition here?

Either ignore it or mark the partition bootable if you want the warning
to go away.  It's just telling you that you won't be able to boot DOS off
that disk, but a) you're probably not going to be installing DOS on the
system, b) DOS won't boot off the second disk and c) I could be wrong,
but I don't think DOS will boot off a SCSI drive anyhow.  So it really
doesn't matter.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI++++ D G e* h+ r y+

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