KO> "stable" with "testing". I did that, and ran dselect to browse through
 KO> the changes and found a couple of problems

 KO> 1: Its plan to upgrade my stable system generates some dependency
 KO> issues. It tells me that;

 KO> lwrsed recommends libnss-lwres libnss-lwres does not appear to be
 KO> available
 KO> gnome-panel recommends gnome-applets (>=1.4.0-1) gnome-applets does
 KO> not appear to be available
Add lines for "unstable" to your sources.lst as well. That is, you should
have lines for "testing" first, then lines for "unstable", and then - for
"stable". Packages that are not available in "testing" (f.e. gnome-applets)
are in "unstable", and that should solve the problem

        Dmitry Astapov //ADEpt (mail-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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