BF> Hi,
BF> I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
BF> after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
BF> (samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed
BF> for...).
BF> I have a second distribution on my machine (a RedHat GNU/Linux),
BF> I haven't seen these error messages (althought I'm not working a lot with
BF> this distribution). First I thought that there was a problem in the kernel
BF> version (the first one was 2.2.17). My reflex was to recompile a new
BF> kernel (new version : 2.2.18pre21) but the problem seems to endure.
BF> I have already re-formatted my swap partition.

BF> If you have an idea of where the problem comes from please tell me.

AFAIK it is a bug in kernel. 2.2.19 should fix it.

| Ilya Martynov (                                    |
| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
| AGAVA Software Company (                          |

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