On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 08:11:26PM +0400, Ilya Martynov wrote:
| BF> Hi,
| BF> I have installed the Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 r1 on my machine. A few days
| BF> after the installation I noticed some strange messages from the kernel
| BF> (samples below) concerning the virtual memory (do_try_to_free_pages failed
| BF> for...).
| BF> I have a second distribution on my machine (a RedHat GNU/Linux),
| BF> I haven't seen these error messages (althought I'm not working a lot with
| BF> this distribution). First I thought that there was a problem in the kernel
| BF> version (the first one was 2.2.17). My reflex was to recompile a new
| BF> kernel (new version : 2.2.18pre21) but the problem seems to endure.
| BF> I have already re-formatted my swap partition.
| BF> If you have an idea of where the problem comes from please tell me.
| AFAIK it is a bug in kernel. 2.2.19 should fix it.

Ok, I'll double check which kernel that box is running (probably
Potato's default).  Are there any docs that explain what apt does and
doesn't do and what must be done by hand (other than reconfiguring the
boot loader)?  I've upgrade kernels manually before, but that was on a
RH machine when I didn't know how to configure modules.


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