On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, Philippe Clérié wrote:

>I have done several Debian installations before and this is the
>first time I've seen this one.
>After installing the base system and rebooting from the hard disk
>everything looks fine until inetd has started. Then I get the
>following lines:
>/bin/sh: /sbin/termwrap: cannot execute: no such file or directory
>/bin/sh: /sbin/termwrap no such file or directory

I ran across this problem a while ago.  What is happening is you have the
degenerate boot-floppies inittab.  If you're comfortable enough with
Debian that you can "hand install" from this point, there's an
/etc/inittab.real that you just put in place of /etc/inittab and get tty1
back.  I think that it's been fixed in newer boot-floppies (at least I've
never seen it again).

>repeated 10 times, then
>INIT: ld "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
>And after a while it does it again and again.
>I went through the installation again. And just in case there was a
>disk problem I repartionned and reformatted the hard disk. No
>problems there, but the same thing happened.
>tty2 and tty3 appear to be fully functional.
>Any clues would be appreciated.
>Best regards,
>Philippe Clérié ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with suitable
application of High Explosives.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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