On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, Barry Mathieu wrote:

>I probably committed a major Debian Faux-Pax by editing my source file
>to temporarily point at the testing release to allow me to install
>plucker.  That is, with testing (rather than stable) in my source file
>apt-get update
>apt-get install plucker
>To my surprise, no conflicts were indicated and plucker installed.

Did you get an updated libc and a few other updates as well?  I installed
plucker as the first package on a new system (the reason it took so long
to get back on this one: my pilot host was toasted) and got 3 updated
packages as well as plucker...

>I've even plucked a few sites, and wow, this is a useful package for me.
>Unfortunately, no images are being displayed on my pilot. I believe this
>may be due to the older version of netpbm in potato. Also, Zlib
>compression is missing from the viewer.

On your PILOT?!  Plucker's viewer_en.prc is incompatible with PalmOS 1,
which is on both the USR pilot models (the 1000 and 5000): it throws an
exception and pukes.  If this is just a minor naming thing, you're beyond
my help, because I DO have a USR pilot 5000 :)  If you do have a Pilot,
you need to get an upgrade.  The USR pilots don't have a flashable OS ROM:
that was added about the time of the Pilot Professional.  The good news
about this, however is that you'll have to get a 1 or 2MB upgrade board to
do this, the bad news is that it's about $50 last time I saw...

>I would like to obtain the functionality of viewing images on my pilot
>and Zlib compression. I'm hoping someone can offer a suggestion on how
>to overcome this dilemma.
>I've considered attempting to compile from sources. However, I am
>definitely a bit of a neophyte and it takes me so long to get things
>working, I worry about breaking them. For instance, I definitely fear
>screwing up the installed package list.

apt-get -b source plucker: it won't hurt your installed packages list...

>Suggestions would be appreciated,

Galt's sci-fi paradox:  Stormtroopers versus Redshirts to the death.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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