> On Sat, 9 Jun 2001, Barry Mathieu wrote:
> >I probably committed a major Debian Faux-Pax by editing my source file
> >to temporarily point at the testing release to allow me to install
> >plucker.  That is, with testing (rather than stable) in my source file
> >I,
> >
> >apt-get update
> >apt-get install plucker
> >
> >To my surprise, no conflicts were indicated and plucker installed.
> Did you get an updated libc and a few other updates as well?  I installed
> plucker as the first package on a new system (the reason it took so long
> to get back on this one: my pilot host was toasted) and got 3 updated
> packages as well as plucker...

No. Suprisingly I was simply allowed to install one package - plucker.
Here is my output from, dpkg -s plucker

Package: plucker
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: otherosfs
Installed-Size: 1872
Maintainer: Mikael Hedin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 1.1-2
Depends: python
Recommends: netpbm (>= 9.10)
Suggests: imagemagick, libjpeg-progs, pilot-link
 /etc/pluckerrc bbbc85e5210f98a9ba09c146b58f80ae
Description: Pluck stuff from the web and read on your PalmOS device
Plucks stuff from the web (or any URL), and encodes them
apporopriately for viewing on a PalmOS device.  Very flexible in the
way sites are plucked, e.g. linkdepth, images etc.  Includes the
PalmOS viewer program.
Further, as you have indicated, the required python package, requires
libc6 >= 2.2.1-2 (see Debian testing).

Here is my dpkg -s libc6:

Package: libc6
Status: install ok installed
Priority: required
Section: base
Installed-Size: 9568
Maintainer: Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: glibc
Version: 2.1.3-18
Replaces: timezone, timezones, libc6-dev (<< 2.0.110-1), libc6-bin,
locales (<< 2.1.3-5), gconv-modules
Provides: gconv-modules
Pre-Depends: ldso (>= 1.9.11-2.1)
Recommends: locales
Suggests: glibc-doc
Conflicts: libc5 (<< 5.4.33-7), libpthread0 (<< 0.7-10), timezone,
timezones, libwcsmbs, libc6-doc, libtricks, apt (<< 0.3.0), libglib1.2
(<< 1.2.1-2), libc6-bin, gconv-modules
 /etc/default/devpts fc857c5ac5fb84d80720ed4d1c624f6e
Description: GNU C Library: Shared libraries and Timezone data
Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs
the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C
and the standard math library, as well as many others.
Timezone data is also included.

Why did this plucker package installed without issuing failed dependancy
errors I just don't know.

> >I've even plucked a few sites, and wow, this is a useful package for me.
> >
> >Unfortunately, no images are being displayed on my pilot. I believe this
> >may be due to the older version of netpbm in potato. Also, Zlib
> >compression is missing from the viewer.
> On your PILOT?!  Plucker's viewer_en.prc is incompatible with PalmOS 1,
> which is on both the USR pilot models (the 1000 and 5000): it throws an
> exception and pukes.  If this is just a minor naming thing, you're beyond
> my help, because I DO have a USR pilot 5000 :)  If you do have a Pilot,
> you need to get an upgrade.  The USR pilots don't have a flashable OS ROM:
> that was added about the time of the Pilot Professional.  The good news
> about this, however is that you'll have to get a 1 or 2MB upgrade board to
> do this, the bad news is that it's about $50 last time I saw...

Hmmm... it appears I shouldn't have used the reference, "pilot". I am
using a, Palm V. I simply use the pilot reference because I don't see
palm referenced throughout GNU/Linux documentation. I often see the
reference to, "pilot", e.g. pilot-link.

> >I would like to obtain the functionality of viewing images on my pilot
> >and Zlib compression. I'm hoping someone can offer a suggestion on how
> >to overcome this dilemma.
> >
> >I've considered attempting to compile from sources. However, I am
> >definitely a bit of a neophyte and it takes me so long to get things
> >working, I worry about breaking them. For instance, I definitely fear
> >screwing up the installed package list.
> apt-get -b source plucker: it won't hurt your installed packages list...

Yes, it would be a very good ongoing exercise for me to attempt to
complete a source build. As I said, I still consider myself very much a

Thanks for your questions, they help to understand my installation more

Barry Mathieu

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