On 06/10/01 17:37:44 -0400, Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 01:50:16PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
> :This started the installation program I put it in
> :/usr/local/bin/soffice52. After the installation finished, I then
> :logged in as an unpriviledged user, and ran:
> :
> :    $ /usr/local/bin/soffice52/program/setup
> AFAIR, if you run "soffice" as a regular user it will so the setup
> thing (and then exit so you must run soffice again) 

Never tried that. But that's nice to know if you just tell someone to
run soffice and it sets itself up for you. Cool.

> :Then to run StarOffice, you would then run ~/office52/soffice. You
> :might want to add ~/office52 to your path.
> On my network install I symlinked /usr/local/Office5.2/program/soffice
> to /usr/local/bin/soffice, this works fine and is much simple.  In
> fact I didn't realize I had a ~/office52/soffice, untill you pointed
> that out.

Yeah, I used to do that with the earlier versions of SO that had each
of the programs as standalone apps. I think that was something like
version 3. Ever since it started placing files in ~, I just ran it
from there.

> :You may need to log in as root, startx, then run the main SO
> :installation before running the user installation.
> You don't need to be root, using "sudo" is fine.  If you don't know
> what sudo is, install it and read the man page then ask here, it's
> *very* useful.

I've never used sudo. Whenever I need to do something as root, I use
su. What's the difference? Is one better/more secure than the other?

> :Hope this helps. If you have any questions, I hope I can answer them.
> Wow, you really went the extra mile on this one, much respect.
> -Jon

Well, I take and take, so when I get the opportunity to help, I try.
Thanks for the encouragement!


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