On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 20:28:04 +0200, MaD dUCK writes:
>also sprach Robert Waldner (on Fri, 22 Jun 2001 08:20:41PM +0200):
>> you don´t need to maintain seperate trees of the whole source. just 
>>  `make (menu|x|)config`, then backup the .config-file. that´s where the 
>>  information you entered/chose is kept.
>i understand... but when i change the .config file severely, don't i
>have to do a make clean? or can i change the config file as much as i
>want to and do make dep and it'll just compile what's necessary?
>still, the argument holds: if i have two machines, compile the kernel
>for the first, then use the same tree to compile a kernel for the
>second, adding a module or a feature to the first kernel requires more
>recompilation than if i hadn't used the tree for the compilation of
>the second...

1. `make <whatever>config`
2.  your favourite kernel-generating method (eg `kpkg ..` or
     `make dep; make <whatever>image`
3. copy .config to whatever you like. 

now do a `make clean` (just to get rid of the modules, mostly) and 
 re-do steps 1-3 for the second machine and the third and...

when you want to re-do for the first machine, just move the appropriate 
 .config back, and re-do steps 2-3 (and 1 if you want to change some 

so, all you really have to keep seperated is the .config-file. (and the 
 generated .deb´s/kernels, of course ;-) )

-- "I'll get a life when someone demonstrates to me that it would
-- be superior to what I have now..." (Taki Kogoma)

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