On 07/04/01 03:29:53 +0000, Lambrecht Joris wrote:

> Any hints on what i might be overlooking ? I don't want to get stuck
> with some mailclient eating up my mail without a chance to export it
> later on . . . hence i chose the fetchmail/sendmail combo.

I dunno. I tried to configure sendmail once on a Redhat box. I gave
up. For me, setting up exim is *much* simpler. Plus you don't have to
mess with procmail. Have you tried taking a look at any log files that
sendmail may be leaving behind? Check out /var/log/ and look for
references to sendmail, mail, or something along those lines. There's
probably some info hiding there somewhere that might get you closer to
solving your problem.

> Also, i want to import my OE mail and adress book into my Linux
> system, any good hints on what software/procedure to use ?

Doesn't OE have some kind of export feature for this stuff? I never
warmed up to OE very much. On the Dark, um, I mean Windows side, I'm a
Eudora user. I would think that if you could get the address book into
a text file, you should be able to copy and past it into an address
book under Linux. Not so sure about the mail though, with different
mailbox formats and all. I'm sure someone here can help though.

> As for mailclients on X11. I have tested Mahogany
> (mahogany.sourceforge.net), CSCMail (www.cscmail.net) , Spruce
> (spruce.sourceforge.net) but none of them look satisfying for the
> time being. To slow, to unstable, to barebones ... I'm not really
> fond of MUTT but am using it in the meantime, i need that daily
> dose. 

Mutt is it for me. I've tried other gui clients, and while impressive
looking and all, they had their little quirks and instabilities. I
think Mutt just plain kicks booty. Plus, if for some bizarre reason
you can't start an X session, you can still read your mail with Mutt.
With those others, you're SOL.

Not of much help was I?

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