On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 02:31:03AM -0700, Paul Mackinney wrote:
> Task 1. While logged in to my debian system as 'paul', get my @Home mail
> and send all outgoing mail through @Home's smtp server with
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' as the return address. As I understand it, I
> should be able to do this without just fechtmail and mutt.

I dunno, I think you want a smtp server (like exim, qmail, etc...) to
send/receive the mail.  Any, yea, it is confusing at first...

> Progress: I've successfully set up a .netrc file in my home directory to
> handle the username & password. My.fetchmailrc file is:
> poll mail.xxx.yyy.home.com proto pop3 user "pmackinney" is "paul"
> and I invoke fetchmail with just the -k argument (because I'm testing).
> But outbound mail doesn't get sent.

The opererative word in "fetchmail" is "fetch".  It gets mail, it
doesn't send.  When you compose a mail in mutt, when you type "y", that
sends the mail, typically via your local smtp server.

> Task 2. Use exim to forward all administrative and local mail to user
> 'paul', to a mailbox that mutt can access. This is not working at all,
> I've run eximconfig trying each of the 6 default options. As near as I
> can figure, the only domain I should really have to set in the exim
> config file is localhost, and make sure that the alias file points
> everything to 'paul'. But it ain't working.

Okay, user's mail folders live in /var/mail/<user> or
/var/spool/mail/<user>.  One is probably a symlink to the other
depending which Debian you have.  So, you should have a file called
/var/spool/mail/paul with ownership of "paul.mail" an permissions like
-rw-rw----.  This is where "exim" would deliver mail by default, if it
exists.  If it doesn't exist, create it.  If exim has tried to deliver
mail, but couldn't, you might have to "thaw" any frozen messages.

When you configure exim, you'll want it as a "smarthost" forwarding
everthing that isn't destined for a local user ("paul") to @Homes smtp
server.  Allow it to accept mails originating *only* from "localhost" or
the hostname of your machine. With exim, you'll probably have a cron job
already set up that will try to send any outgoing messages every five or
fifteen minutes, so you should be all set then.

> Once the two above tasks are accomplished, I'll get to work on
> customizing mutt, use procmail to sort incoming mail into different
> mailboxes, and configure exim/mutt so that messages sent to the local
> system get sent with the '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' return address. But these 2
> tasks essential for me to feel comfortable in migrating my email from
> Windows.

Mutt can set the Reply-To header.  Exim can also be configured to
rewrite headers (ISP's might be picky about the "From" header -- not to
be confused with "From:").

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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