"Eric G. Miller" wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 01:00:38PM -0500, Balbir Thomas wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Yet another case of open source developers being harassed. Adobe
> > lawyers ask developer of killustrator to pay fines for using a name
> > that abuses their trade mark illustrator. Go read about it at slashdot
> > , and then give your feedback to Adobe. I already did. We can't let
> > such harassment go without being protested. If I were a conspiracy
> > theorist I would see a pattern here . While corporation are leagly
> > portected to indulge in some kinds of "negative advertising" as a
> > "competitive stratergy" open source developer are sued because the
> > english language words are now "trademarks".
> Protest all you like, but I think Adobe probably has a valid claim of
> trademark infringement.  It doesn't take any stretch of imagination to
> see that "KIllustrator" is a knock-off of "Adobe Illustrator [tm]".
> Like it or not, probably any U.S. court would agree.  I'm sure the
> "KIllustrator" folks will just change the name and move on.  Nothing
> will be gained by stuffing Adobe's inbox with rants.  While Adobe has
> been circumspect about Linux and *BSD, a bunch of rants is more likely
> just to irritate them and make them not want to support Linux/*BSD in
> the future.


  they should rename KIllustrator to: Adobe Illustrator Replacement

  that should be covered by fair use (it only refers to adobe
illustrator which is allowed)



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