On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 03:43:56PM -0500, Balbir Thomas wrote:
> I would believe the ethical way to deal with an opensource developer,
> who doesn't profit from his products is to contact him first, rather
> than throw a bunch of law dogs at him. After all what kind of a person
> or company would want to levy a financial burden on a man who has
> contributed his time and resources, for a community benifit . Would
> you wan't to do that to Abe L. ?  Adobe did no such thing . 

Ain't no benefit to Adobe if KIllustrator actually becomes competive. I
understand your point that maybe Adobe should've contacted the developer
in a less threatening manner first...  I don't imagine Adobe will persue
this matter unless the KIllustrator authors don't change the name.  If
they continued to pursue civil damages after a name change, then I can
see getting a bit irate.


> Perhaps you may also agree that X Windows ought to naturally sue
> Microsoft for a trademark infringement ? This among other interesting
> points to ponder on are in the long streem of replies in the slashdot
> thread . I hope people will have a look at it. 

Nope.  It's the "X Window System", not "X Windows".  And I generally
avoid Slashdot -- the signal to noise ratio is too low most of the time.

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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