On 09-Jul 01:51, Christian Jaeger wrote:
> At 12:43 Uhr +0200 9.7.2001, Joerg Johannes wrote:
> >xfs can put the logfile on another physical disk (I don't think you can
> >put it into a file, but only raw partitions). So, get yourself two HD's
> >(a big one and a small one), install your system on the big one (using
> >xfs) and put the log-partitions on the small one. So the big one will
> >spin down while xfs can write anything into its log on the small one.
> >I don't know if this is what you want, but surely possible.
> It won't save any power or noise in my case, it would just let 
> another disk run all the time instead of the one I'm already using.. 
> But it sounds like a good thing for bigger servers with many disks.

ext3 can put the log on a single partition for mutipul partitions. I don't
know that this will help much in allowing the HD to spin down. I might help
more to have the file-systems mounted with the noatime option so that each
read of a cached file doesn't cause disk access. 

> >Well, if it is a pure server, ..
> It isn't, it's my home computer, with a geforce:-), soundblaster 
> live, and so on. What I'm looking for is a low-power, low-noise 
> let-the-computer-always-run solution for at home. The only reasons 
> for having the computer always run is 1. masquerading of a private 
> network, 2. casual use of an httpd server. (Maybe I sould write a 
> mini-howto for this purpose when I find good solutions?..)
> Christian.

I would be interested to know how this kind of setup compares on power-usage
(really meausered), and power use by linux in general. I've read (and don't
remember at the moment where) that linux in low uses situations is much
'lighter' on the hardware and runs much cooler.

What I would find really useful was a write up on cases/drives that didn't
make such a racket. That is the true reason I shutdown my computer
sometimes, the case is just too nosy.


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