> Generally BGP is the way to do it. 

BGP is outta the question for me..i asked cisco about that
a couple months ago and they said 128MB was minimum for BGP
on routers..my routers have 8MB each ..

> I think it can but only if your routers send out RIP packets :)  If
> they don't, can't, or whatever then routed obviously won't work.

yeah thats what it looks like. so hopefully i can find something
other then routed. i dont want to enable rip, this should be a
very basic routing thing. its not like it needs to be dynamic
its either gateway A or B if A is down. not very complicated!!

> For incoming traffic (ie redundancy for a mail server) or outgoing
> traffic?

outgoing traffic.

> If you want redundancy for outgoing traffic I would think your
> trick with routes above would work.  But they don't... unless you
> forgot a step. Try setting "spoofprotect=no" in
> /etc/network/options, reboot, and try again.

i'll try that. thanks!

> Incoming traffic is much easier :)  Install the iproute2 package
> and read the Advanced Routing HOWTO, particularly the bit about
> policy routing.

outgoing should be easier!! incoming i can see how it could
cause problems as each ip is on a totally different network
different isp etc..

> GNU Zebra but it needs RIP (which you can't get) or BGP to work.

i can enable rip but i reeeeeeeeeeeealy dont want to for something
this simple.(or which should be)



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