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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> > Generally BGP is the way to do it.
> BGP is outta the question for me..i asked cisco about that a couple
> months ago and they said 128MB was minimum for BGP on routers.

And that's not even a full BGP feed :)  A full feed if closer to 135 - 140

> my routers have 8MB each ..

And in another post you said you only have 2500s.  I think the only thing
slower is an AccessPro (a 2501 on an ISA card).  From what I hear you need
at least a 3640 or so for BGP.

And you won't come close to getting even a partial feed if you have less
than a /24.

> yeah thats what it looks like. so hopefully i can find something
> other then routed.

GNU Zebra :)

> i dont want to enable rip, this should be a very basic routing thing.
> its not like it needs to be dynamic its either gateway A or B if A is
> down. not very complicated!!

No it's not.  But sometimes devices dedicated to a certain task (a Cisco,
in this case) can do a better job at something than a general- purpose
device (a PC running Linux, in this case).

Oh, and I have good news: in my *limited* testing, your trick with the
metrics works fine: I remotely disabled one of the internet connections at
work, and the Linux firewall *automatically* switched over to use one of
the other internet connections.  Thanks to the magic of policy routing I
sayed in contact with the firewall the whole time :)

I do, however, have rp_filter turned off (ie I have "spoofprotect=no" in

I'm still going to play with it some more tomorrow.

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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