At 05:28 a.m. 07/07/01 -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:

On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 10:59:46PM -0400, Peter Kok wrote:
> What is the different between debian and suse?

Debian is better!!! You are asking this to debian ML :-)

Seriously, except for packaging system and few minor style differences,
both are quite similar system (SYS-V init).

Major difference is that debian is free volunteer efforts while suse is
commercial distribution.

> How are the security and stable?

System is as secure as its admin's skill and efforts.

If you ask how easy to update to the latest security patched program, I
can say that debian delivers security updates quite fast and updating
system with them in debian is very easy even for active daemon programs.

Judging from suse's RPM packaging, suse may not be as easy to upgrade
active daemons like Redhat.  (I do not know.)

I can tell you that Debian has steep learning curve but it is worth it.

oops, and you can download debian isos but not suse, suse has only that trial iso image....
I never liked that.

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