Hello Jost,

i've read the man page, but this doesn't help me. I tried to use different 
logging levels for the kern facility, but
i don't had had any succes in filtering the ipchains output sole in the file.
But thanks for your reply.


11.07.2001 19:16:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joost Kooij) wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 11, 2001 at 03:56:27PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I am using ipchains on my pc and i'm logging all denied packets via syslog
>> with kern.* in the syslog.conf.
>> My problem now is that i get a lot of other messages too.
>> I want to log only the denied packets in a separate logfile.
>> Has anyone an idea how i could do this?
>man syslogd.conf
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