The default debian installation did not install my kernel source files, so I
am using dselect to get those files.  I ran dselect, performed an update,
and went to the selection screen.  I found the source files and marked
kernel-source-2.2.12 for installation, but I was sent to the dependency
resolution screen to muddle through some suggestions.

Here is my current situation:
_* kernel-source-2.2.12
__ tk8.2-dev (suggested)
__ tk8.0-ja-dev (suggested)
__ tk8.0-dev (suggested)
__ kernel-package (suggested)

Now, I am inclined to only select the kernel-package because I have no
intention of running a GUI on this machine.  Am I correct in assuming the
tk-dev files are for writing X interfaces, for kernel management, using tcl?
Am I correct in assuming that kernel-package is still very useful without a
GUI?  Thanks in advance.

- g

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