Gladimir  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
G> The default debian installation did not install my kernel source
G> files, so I am using dselect to get those files.

I'd just get a kernel tarball off of or a mirror and
unpack it somewhere handy.

G> I found the source files and marked kernel-source-2.2.12 for
G> installation,

(Why something so ancient?  My stable box is running 2.2.19.)

G> Here is my current situation:
G> _* kernel-source-2.2.12
G> __ tk8.2-dev (suggested)
G> __ tk8.0-ja-dev (suggested)
G> __ tk8.0-dev (suggested)
G> __ kernel-package (suggested)
G> Now, I am inclined to only select the kernel-package because I have no
G> intention of running a GUI on this machine.  Am I correct in assuming the
G> tk-dev files are for writing X interfaces, for kernel management, using tcl?

'make xconfig' uses it, but nothing else.

G> Am I correct in assuming that kernel-package is still very useful without a

Yes, in fact.  <nods>  Also, on x86, you'll need the bin86 package if
you don't have it installed.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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