"mjevans1983011" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Duh; sorry I forgot about this... I don't know if you can get away with
> doing this the easy way.
> Ok first stage, Lilo is installed on /dev/hda so it's in the MBR.  Second
> you need to make /dev/hdb1 ACTIVE.  If you do not know how to do this read
> 'man fdisk'.  You only need to make it active, not otherwise change your
> partition table...
> It will either then boot, or you're going to have to fake windows out about
> your partition table...  That's hard and I've never done it before.  It's in
> the lilo documentation though. Which should be someplace like /usr/doc/lilo/
> and you'll need to be root to run lilo anyway...

Well, I think I might have done it the hard way. *grins* Romain
Lerallut responded and said to do this to my /etc/lilo.conf:


I just did that, and it worked immediately. Thanks for your help,


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