On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 03:47:30AM +0200, Jean-Baptiste Note wrote:
> > Thankfully, I forget the details[0]. From experience, no, it won't be 
> > exactly hosed: you'll end up with a .nfs004950384672385721380937 file that 
> > will grow and eventually fill up the partition... nothing an rm -rf / won't 
> > fix. And then there's negative cookies and stale mounts that require a 
> > reboot
> > on most unices I've seen... you had to remind me, didn't you?
> from my own limited experience, stale mounts are not a problem if you 
> can unmount then mount again the partition containing the "damaged" 
> export. Note that mount -o remount doesnt do the trick, but umount then 
> mount does it. That's why i keep nfs mounts on separate partition.
> (i have 4 X kernel-over-ftfp and root-over-nfs boxen that users can 
> start and restart at will without proper shutdown, and a reboot each 
> time a stale mount occured started to get on my nerves.)

Do you get stale mounts on the root fs?  If not, you could use autofs
to mount the other nfs partitions as needed, and avoid stale mounts if
files aren't kept open 24/7.

Just an idea...

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