On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 08:27:49AM -0400, Richard Black wrote:
| For some reason, I can no longer remote login to another terminal and
| display stuff on mine!  This started happening last week (with,
| possibly, the changes to gdm...)
| I have tried many different things.  Typical is something like:
| [local machine]
| xhost +
| rlogin remote
| [remote machine]
| export DISPLAY=local:0.0
| nedit
| But all I get is:  NEdit: Can't open display

I would use ssh instead of rlogin if you can.  Also, enable the
ForwardX11 option in ssh.  If you do this then the display will be
setup for you and it will be encrypted as well.  This is also the
easiest (only?) way to display stuff back on a masq'd box.


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