D-Man wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:25:58PM -0400, Mike wrote:
> | D-Man wrote:
> | > 
> | > I would use ssh instead of rlogin if you can.  Also, enable the
> | > ForwardX11 option in ssh.  If you do this then the display will be
> | > setup for you and it will be encrypted as well.  This is also the
> | > easiest (only?) way to display stuff back on a masq'd box.
> | 
> | How do you do this?  I've been trying to do this for some time now with no
> | success.  Every time I get:
> | 
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ssh -f hal9000 xterm
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password: 
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xterm Xt error: Can't open display: hal9000:10.0
> | 
> | hobbiton is the local machine here, and hal9000 is the remote system I'm
> | trying to connect to while wanting the xterm (in this case, anyway) to
> | display here on hobbiton.  I've got the ForwardX11 option set to true on
> | both machines, both in the sshd_config and the ssh_config  Is there anything
> | else I need to do?
> Other than enabling ForwardX11 in both the server and client (sshd and
> ssh) I don't think you need to do anything.  What happens if you login
> and get a shell, then run xterm?

I get the exact same error as when I try and run xterm as part of the ssh

> The error message shows that DISPLAY was set properly (sshd creates a
> display on the server, 10.0, which it reads from, encrypts, and sends to
> the client who passes it on the local DISPLAY) but that display couldn't
> be opened.  I'm wondering if maybe ssh is closing the connection too soon.

Is that something that I can fix by tweaking something somewhere?
> On the Solaris box at school /etc/sshd_config has
>     X11Forwarding yes
>     X11DisplayOffset 10
> On my Debian box in ~/.ssh/ssh_config I have in the section for the
> remote machine
>         ForwardX11 yes

I've got the same settings on both remote and local systems, respectively.
> On the client side you can use the -X option instead of the config
> file.  I like the config file because my options become "persistant".

This might be a kinda dumb question, but does X need to be running on the
remote machine?  I've tried having X running on the remote machine, but it
hasn't seemed to make a difference.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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