I am new to Debian and relatively new to Linux and ask your help with this
God forsaken nVidia card.
I initially installed 2.2r0 and upgraded the system to 2.2r3 followed by a
dist-upgrade to Woody (for Xfree4.0.3). When I enter the command xf86cfg the
command is unrecognized. I have never been able to get even a frame buffered
support for this card and subsequently no X! I have tried all that I know of
to do with the dist-upgrades for a more current set-up but all has failed. I
also did a simple package selection which seemingly does not install kernl
headers or source as /usr/src/linux does not contain these items unless
Debian stores them elsewhere. I was going to try and compile the Nvidia-src
files I found on one of the Debian FTP sites that I read of in the archives,
but no kernel-src-headers.
John Wheat

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