>  I am new to Debian and relatively new to Linux and ask your help with this
> God forsaken nVidia card.
> I initially installed 2.2r0 and upgraded the system to 2.2r3 followed by a
> dist-upgrade to Woody (for Xfree4.0.3). When I enter the command xf86cfg the
> command is unrecognized. I have never been able to get even a frame buffered
> support for this card and subsequently no X! I have tried all that I know of
> to do with the dist-upgrades for a more current set-up but all has failed. I
> also did a simple package selection which seemingly does not install kernl
> headers or source as /usr/src/linux does not contain these items unless
> Debian stores them elsewhere. I was going to try and compile the Nvidia-src
> files I found on one of the Debian FTP sites that I read of in the archives,
> but no kernel-src-headers.

If you want kernel source or headers, you want the kernel-source-vvv
or kernel-headers-vvv packages, where vvv is the version number of the
kernel you're compiling against. Personally, I recommend springing for
the full source distribution, and using make-kpkg (in the
kernel-package package) to compile the kernel and/or modules.

In addition, you probably want the nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src
packages. The documentation for those packages (in /usr/doc/package-name)
should explain how to install them. You do need to be running unstable or
testing, though.

I haven't been able to find a good program to to auto-configure Xfree4 
(XF86Setup and its ilk seem to have disappeared), but you can perform the
necessary configuration with a little bit of trial and error by editing
/etc/X11/XF86Config by hand- the format is really not that difficult. You
can run 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86', which performs some of
XF86Setup's functions, and which will generate a starting XF86Config.

The documentation for nvidia-glx-src will describe the changes you will 
need to make to XF86Config (in particular, "Driver" needs to be set to 
"nvidia," rather than "nv".

Hope that helps.

Geoffrey M. Romer
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right"
                                                          -Salvor Hardin
"I can't leave you alone with this man! He might be a tenor!"
                                                          -Fred Astaire

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