Hello all,

Perhaps you can help me with my problem.  Recently, I wanted to install
some nifty software on my potato system, but the software wanted a higher
version of libc6.  So, I installed 2.2.3-5 (testing), but then I didn't
like what it was doing to the dependencies on my system, so I tried to
downgrade back to 2.1.3-18 (stable).  I think I broke something by doing
so.  The libc6 2.1.3-18 package wouldn't configure successfully.  In fact,
I can't use dpkg to configure and install any new software for my system
because I'm now getting a message about "ldconfig" missing from my root
path.  Is there any way to get this binary back into my root path?  Is
there anything else that will cause the libc6 package to fail to configure
that I need to be aware of?  I've tried looking for ldconfig as a
stand-alone binary to drag and drop in my usr/bin directory, but I didn't
see one on the internet.

Any advice?

Take care,



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