
I've installed the afformentioned deb in order to run some vile little
dos apps.  However, when I try to move files between my home directory
and the freedos image, I get permission denied errors.  All of the docs
that I can find on dosemu mention nothing about this, and assume that
it is installed in the user's home dir, not globally as the deb has it

I must be missing something really obious...

I have changed the ownership of the /usr/lib/freedos dir and all of
its contents to root.staff, and made the tmp dir therein have privs
of 775, so that any user in the staff group should be able to write
into there.  Still unable to cp from my home dir (D: in dosemu) to
the tmp dir (C:\tmp\ in dosemu).

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance,

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