At 10:08 PM 8/2/01 -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
>on Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 02:54:01PM +0000, John Griffiths ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
>> if you grep your http access log for "default.ida" (good sign of a
>> code red attempt on an apache box)
>> you'll see that code red has infected as many new machines in the alst
>> two days as it did on 20 July
>    grep 'default\.ida' /var/log/apache/access.log | awk '{print $1}' 
> a hostlist.  Anyone know of a central repository who might be
>collecting same and sending LARTs to the appropriate sysops?  Or is that
>a complete [EMAIL PROTECTED]&*() waste of time?  Any way to test an IP to see 
>it's been compromised?
>...or a good way to grab the relevant data and mail your own report?
>I'm running 'host' against a bunch of IPs (I've got about 40), turning
>up a bunch of '<ip> does not exist' responses.

You'll find a lot of them are folks on dial-up boxes that proabably don't even 
know they've got a web-server. 

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