On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 07:02:35PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> [...]
> CodeRed2.  Nastier: it also copies cmd.exe to root.exe, and installs a
> pseudo-r00tkit.  If the IIS admins didn't learn the first time, they got
> screwed hardcore the second.  Not even a reacharound this time.

I get hit every 2 minutes. And apparently lots of computers are now
advertising that they can be remotely controlled. Wouldn't it be nice if
there were some 'hack' to send to such a server so that it gets fixed.
I've got a list of hundreds of ip's of IIS-servers almost begging for an

My stats for today (20 hours): 601 CodeRed2's, 8 CodeRed1's. With my
cablemodem it looks like my whole country is infected. Although it's
only 268 unique ip's. CodeRed2 attempts to spread a lot more than 1.

Well, better start ignoring the output.

    Chris Niekel

Geek code version 3.1:
GCS d- s++: a- C++$ ULSI++ P+(---) L+++>++++ E--- W++ N++ o K? w--- O M- 
V?>-- PS+ PE-() Y PGP+ t+>+++ 5? X- !R tv+ b DI++ D+ G>++ e+++ h--- r+++ y++++

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