On Mon, 20 Aug 2001, Eduard Bloch wrote:

> This sounds like typical hardware problems which Windows users have to.
> Try to relax the AGP timing values in your BIOS settings, and check the
> heat conditions of the graphic processor. Maybe there is some dust in
> the cooler, or your tower is too small and full with heat hardware, so
> the video card doesn't get enough cool air.

Great, I've had the same problem with GL xscreensaver. Could you elaborate
a little on "relax the AGP timing values"? Eg what does it do (lower
performance?), ...


(btw, debian-user since I seem to recall debian-x is not ment for
user-related X problems, and this seems to be such a beast)


Peers's Law:
        The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.

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