[Please Cc: to me because I am not subscribed to the list.]

My machine was rebooted, but I didn't typed "reboot" or
"shutdown" or something, and the log says nothing about it.

"last -x" says
oohara   tty2                          Tue Aug 21 19:56   still logged in   
oohara   tty2                          Tue Aug 21 16:01 - 17:07  (01:05)    
runlevel (to lvl 2)   2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 16:01 - 20:06  (04:04)    
reboot   system boot  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 16:01          (04:04)    
shutdown system down  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 16:00 - 20:06  (04:05)    
runlevel (to lvl 6)   2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 16:00 - 16:00  (00:00)    
oohara   tty2                          Tue Aug 21 15:22 - down   (00:37)    
runlevel (to lvl 2)   2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 12:45 - 16:00  (03:15)    
reboot   system boot  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 12:45          (03:15)    
oohara   tty2                          Tue Aug 21 09:02 - 10:02  (01:00)    
oohara   tty2                          Tue Aug 21 01:35 - 04:14  (02:38)    
runlevel (to lvl 2)   2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 01:32 - 12:45  (11:12)    
reboot   system boot  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 01:32          (14:27)    
shutdown system down  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 01:17 - 16:00  (14:43)    

What I think is strange is
reboot   system boot  2.2.19           Tue Aug 21 12:45          (03:15)

According to /var/log/syslog , it seems to be a normal reboot,
but I can't see why it happened (for example, "sudo" entry or
root's login).

"ps aux" said
root         1  0.0  0.4  1020  464 ?        S    12:43   0:05 init [2]
(Note that [2] is what "ps aux" said --- it is not a foot-mark.)

My machine was virtually stand alone because the only network
connection is a modem, which was off.  It is in my house,
and I live alone, so no one could touch it.  Of course, I didn't
touch it.  What is happening?

Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Graduate-school of Science, Kyoto University
PGP Key  http://www.interq.or.jp/libra/oohara/pub-key.txt
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

I always put away what I take.
--- Ryuji Akai, "Star a way"

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