On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 07:39:53AM +0100, Chris Kenrick wrote:
> My goal is to rebuild some servers that are running Woody via Potato.

Running woody, you can try out the debootstrap tool, and build a
temporary chrooted potato installation so that you can see what it's
like. Something like this should do you:

  woody# apt-get install debootstrap
  woody# debootstrap potato /chroot/potato http://ftp.debian.org/debian
                                           # insert your mirror here
  woody# chroot /chroot/potato
  potato# dpkg -l

> The servers are at the moment running lots of unnecessary crud
> (installed on top of base), so I needed to derive a list of base
> packages so I can work out what extra needs installing.  Fortunately,
> Karsten's magic command line suggestion should solve it I think.

Unfortunately, 'Section: base' is largely a historical relic, and isn't
entirely representative of what's installed by default. Some packages in
the base tarball are in sections like admin, libs, net, and even x11

Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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