[EMAIL PROTECTED] saw fit to inform me that: 
>I tried to copy an audio CD to put in the car using xcdroast. I burnt it, 
>without checking .cdr files but it did not produce desirable results (unless 
>you are an alien...). My understanding of the matters is (from what I read on 
>CD-Writing HOWTO) that tracks are ripped first, then put into .cdr or .wav 
>format and then burt onto a CD... Obviously .cdr files were not well encoded 
>in the first place...
>My question is: what is the easiest way to copy an audio CD on Debian? I know 
>of cdrdao and am going to try it tonight after I get back from work (and I 
>should remember to use that --simulate option :-)
>What experiences have other people had? I am not going to use windows to do 
>this!!! I am sure I can do it under Debian (with a bit of research and of 
>course fun)...

Some time back I was using xcdroast and even burnt 2-3 audio CD's too. It
creates wav files for each song and an index. Than you have to burn those
wav files on a blank CD.

At present I am using gcombust. One of the listers suggested this to be and
I liked its interface too. However I have not yet burnt any audio CD using
gcombust. Try it out.

Take Care

Rajesh Fowkar                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4,         http://www.symonds.net/~rajesh/
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIA    Powered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
                                    Kernel 2.4.9(ext3), Mutt 1.3.20i, IceWM
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