On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 09:21:02PM +0100, Ross Burton wrote:
| Hi,
| Today I installed Sid (via Potato) and became a Debian user, after many
| years as a RedHat/Mandrake user.  Because of this I have a number of
| questions:
| 1. How can I see what distribution a package came from?  Basically, I
| want to check that all of the packages on my system are from Sid, not
| Potato.

Use 'dpkg -l' to see the versions of the installed packages.  Then
check on http://packages.debian.org and see which distribution(s) that
version of that package is found in.  Sid changes regularly so you
might find that you have a package that isn't in any dists, if you
haven't updated recently.

| 6. What mailing list should questions like this go to?  Is debian-user
| for the stable release only, or all releases including Sid?

This is the list.


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