"Friendly" can often be harshing on someone in a helpful manner ratehr
than ignoring them.  I for one would much rather be called the worst name
in the universe and helped than be treated with kid gloves and continue to
have the problem.  I have noticed that there is a lot of harshing in the
debian-* lists, but most questions get answered quickly, while I have
heard in the redhat and mandrake lists, questions don't get good answers
but they don't flame either.  I guess you gotta pay the piper somehow, and
Debian's version is flame-resistance.

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, David Nusinow wrote:

>On Monday 27 August 2001 02:48 pm, Ross Burton wrote:
>> You Debian guys are a lot more friendly than the RedHat/Mandrake
>> posse... :-)
>Man... if we're more friendly then I'd really be scared of the
>RedHat/Mandrake people... have you checked out debian-devel? Scary!
>- David Nusinow

The early worm gets the bird.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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