
I am in need of guidance. I can clearly not see the wood for the trees

I want to make a partition on "frodo" available to all users on both the
other machines on the network. I can mount the partition easy enough. I
can write to it, but it always creates a file as "nobody:nogroup". I
want the user and group details to reflect the creator, in this case me
"keith:keith". Where is my problem likely to lie?

The uid/gid entries are the same on each machine ( there is only one
user "keith")
the exports file on the server reads

                /frodo          (rw,no_root_squash)

I have read the nfs howto, the "network administrators guide", and the
man pages. It seems to me it I can mount it and write to it as "nobody"
then I must be almost there, but I cannot see the last step

I seek guidance/enlightenment - Anyone?

  Keith O'Connell                  |     "That which does not kill
  Maidstone, Kent (UK)             |      us, usually still hurts.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   That's just life, I'm afraid"

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