> Does "keith" on all the machines have the same UID and GID? If not then
> you will have to run ugidd to map the client "keith" UID/GID to the server
> "keith" UID/GID. Luckily for me, I had the same UID/GID on both computers
> so I disabled ugidd.
> The other way would be to synchronize the UID/GID's of "keith" on all
> computers and not run ugidd.

 In my first message I said that the uid/uid were the same so this all
did not apply, but it was the last throw away line that nudged me.....

> I would suggest not exporting /frodo to the world.

I changed the /etc/exports file from;

        /frodo  (rw,no_root_squash)
        /frodo  aragorn(rw,no_root_squash) gimli(rw,no_root_squash)

and it worked perfectly

So, nw I have to ask why? This is all right with a network of three, but
it would not be practicle with thirty/

What have I missed here?

  Keith O'Connell                  |     "That which does not kill
  Maidstone, Kent (UK)             |      us, usually still hurts.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |   That's just life, I'm afraid"

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