On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 07:53:16AM -0500, stan wrote:
> > > Well, then shouldn't it allow "stable" to be released often enough that it
> > > acn be used in production> For instance how old are the prel modules, and
> > > devlopment environment in it? Ancinet by modern standards.

For example?  What more recent Perl modules do you want, and why is
dh-make-perl unacceptable?

> Is it possible that some mechanisim could be set up such that a package
> which has recieved a security related update in stable, could become the
> latest package for testing?

You can point apt at security.debian.org/stable, and give it a high
priority, then pull updates from there...Of course, this won't work
either, as was nicely demonstrated by the number of people who tried,
and then found that gnome was uninstallable on Sarge because they had a
security-fixed version of perl from security.d.o.

You need *people* to handle the security updates for Sarge.  I'm not
volunteering, are you?  If you really, really want it, you could start
backporting fixes from sid just like the security team does, and
distribute fixes from your own server.  You can even take the patches
that the patches that the security team come up with and use them as the
base for your work!  It's a fucking huge amount of work though, which is
why no one is doing it yet.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            http://ertius.org/

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