* rg2k1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
[ original text rearranged ]

...But tell me please, How in the heck do I
> download from the net?? I've gone everywhere on your site to no avail. Or is
> the
> Linux OS just beyond me, and I should stick with Microsoft.  

Hmm, possibly. I mean, if you don't know how to download stuff, maybe you
aren't quite ready for linux yet.

Ok, now to the serious part:
...I go to
> download with FTP/ USA and get the Parent list. ?? 

If you mean http://www.debian.org - Distribution ( blue button ) - off the 
net (1st paragraph) - United States (FTP), that should take you to
ftp://ftp.us.debian.org/debian, and you should see the welcome message.
Down below there are several README files, you should read at least

And then there's Distribution - Installation Instructions in the left 
sidebar menu on www.debian.org. Or does that give you the Parent list,
too (WTF is a Parent list anyway?)


One distinguishing characteristic of BOFHen is attention deficit disorder.  
Put me in front of something boring and I can find a near-infinite number 
of really creative ways to bugger off.                                    -- ADB

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