On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, rg2k1 wrote:

> Hi
> Have been trying my darndest to download Debian from the net. But evidently I
> don't understand how to do it. And can't find any "How to" references. I go to
> download with FTP/ USA and get the Parent list. ?? I'm a newbi to Linux, with 
> a great interest in learning all I can. But tell me please, How in the heck 
> do I download from the net?? I've gone everywhere on your site to no avail. 
> Or is the
> Linux OS just beyond me, and I should stick with Microsoft.  Thanks for your 
> help!
> Ronald Goodwin

I am not sure if I understand you. What are you looking for? the Debian
iso files or do you want to install Debian via ftp? It's all on the Debian
homepage explained in evry detail. Tell us what you want and we will be
able to help you.

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