> I am learning to use Mutt. I cannot find a way to jump to
> messages across my many mail folders. I know <TAB> works
> within folders but that means I have to try every folder to
> unread messages.
> Is there an easier way?

Look into mutt's 'mailbox' setting. When properly setup, you
can start mutt with 'mutt -y' (Paul Clark's already mentioned
most of this), and you'll get something a list of your
mailboxes. Ones with new mail in them will be flagged with an
'N'. Cursor to that mailbox, hit enter, and read the messages.
When you're done in the mailbox, hit the letter 'c' and mutt
will default to the 'next' mailbox with new mail in it. Simply
hit enter to go to it. Repeat endlessly (depending on how fast
you read, how much mail you get, and how you check for mail).


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