On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 05:00:24PM +0200, Martin F Krafft wrote:
| also sprach Ailbhe Leamy (on Fri, 14 Sep 2001 01:34:30PM +0100):
| > Correction: It'll switch to the next mailbox with NEW mail. If you open
| > a mailbox, read half of what's new there, and leave, the other unread
| > messages will not cause the mailbox to be marked as containing new mail.
| that's not true, at least not in my version. in fact, it gets quite
| annoying when i purposely leave some mail as new (for later attention)
| in one mailbox, 'c' will go to the next mailbox, but the next 'c' will
| bring me back to the old one. do i need to provide screenshots?

I have the same verison as you.  If I leave messages as either New or
Old in a mailbox, pressing 'c' will not jump to that mailbox.  If,
however, new mail arrives in that mailbox while I'm looking at another
mailbox then it will jump to it.  The flag on a mailbox (contains new
mail or not) is based on the mailbox's timestamp.  If you look at the
mailbox after it was modified then it does not have new mail, but if
it was modified after it was looked at then it has new mail.  What
sort of mailbox do you use?  I am using mbox, but perhaps a directory
based format (such as maildir) has different semantics?


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