On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 05:20:57PM -0600, LaGuardia, Kristofer S. wrote:
> I would do that, but there is one main problem that i can't remember if i
> mentioned way back in the beginning...I have my three hard drives on a
> Promise UDMA66 card...and my DVD and CD burner are on the motherboard.
> So...maybe that's the problem my BIOS is having.  It could be conflicting
> with my Promise card's BIOS and not knowing which drive to boot up, so the
> BIOS overrides anything else.  I might be stuck with trying GRUB...but not
> much is going on there either...I made a GRUB boot disk...and when it boots,
> it doesn't give me a menu or anything...just says "GRUB >".  I'll get Linux
> on this machine one way or another.  Just don't know the best way to go
> about doing it.  I have a backup of Win2000, and the rest of the drive, so
> that isn't a problem(not that I know of).  Anyone out there have a Promise
> card, and had Windows2000 installed first, then tried to install Debian?  If
> you did, please let me know how the heck you got it installed.  The help
> would be GREATLY appreciated!!! :))  I'm not giving up...

A few years ago, when I was first learning linux, there was a rule that
a pc operating system MUST boot off one of the first 2 IDE drives.  I
believe that wasn't a LILO thing so much as in IA (Intel Architecture)
thing.  Of course at that time, we had a 512 Mb booting rule too . . .

Maybe the above doesn't apply any more, but it might.


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

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