Here's what I do, got it from some dual-boot HOWTO or something:

1. The Win2000 system is set up and installed, all OK.
2. Lilo is set up as follows:
  boot=/dev/hda5      # instead or boot=/dev/hda
This is the option to install to the partition instead of the MBR.
3. After running lilo, I run the command
  dd bs=512 if=/dev/hda5 of= bootsect.lnx count=1
This copies the first 512 bytes of /dev/hda5 to the file bootsect.lnx.
4. Copy the file bootsect.lnx into the root of your Win2000 system.
5. Edit your Windows boot.ini file by adding the line:
  C:\bootsect.lnx="Debian Linux"
6. Now you're good to go. Each time you boot, the Windows boot menu will
list Debian Linux as an option. On my system it's the default.

The downside to this method is that you have to recreate the 
bootsect.lnx file every time you you run lilo, but I don't do that too

HTH, Paul

Paul Mackinney
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Please note new email address

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