Peter Christensen wrote:
> I installed both Linux 2.1 (kernel 2.1.121 shows up in a message at
> startup time) and Netscape 4.75 from CDs.

Two things:

AFAIK Debian 2.1 should have installed kernel 2.0, so it sounds like you
may not be using Debian, so this list may not be ideal.

Do you know what distribution you are using?

Secondly, kernel 2.1 was the development series, so may be less stable
than the 2.2 series that came out of it - and it's quite old; the 2.4
series is the current stable kernel.

It might be a good idea to get a newer CD with a stable kernel on it.

A more current, stable, known distribution would probably be easier to
help with, and may have fewer problems to start with.



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